20 Activities for the Visually Impaired

20 Activities for the Visually Impaired
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Individuals facing vision impairment will often require help with everyday tasks that were once easily managed independently. They may also require support to maintain their connections with the community, friends, and leisure pursuits.

Age-related vision loss is a common experience, and empowering individuals to maintain their independence to the fullest extent possible is crucial.

Challenges faced by individuals with vision impairment:

  • Lack of confidence
  • Reduced mobility (to prevent falls)
  • Heightened loneliness
  • Social exclusion (limited accessibility in public places like cinemas, restaurants etc.)
  • Feelings of being a 'burden'
  • Limited awareness of available support services
  • Financial constraints (poverty)

Tips for Communicating with Visually Impaired Individuals

  • Speak in a normal tone; avoid speaking too loudly.
  • Use everyday language, including words like 'look' and 'see.'
  • Provide specific directions instead of vague references.
  • Clearly identify yourself upon entering their presence: "Hi Mavis, it's Linda".
  • Describe visual details when necessary.
  • Avoid patronizing language; don't assume you have to make things 'easy' for them.
  • Check if help is required and ask them for instructions on how to help.
  • Speak directly to the person, don't channel the conversation through a third person.
  • When walking with them describe the terrain; steps, carpet etc.
  • Always respect their individuality and independence."

20 Activities for People with Vision Impairment:

  1. Read Aloud: Discover their literary preferences and read to them.

  2. Talking Books: Borrow audiobooks from the local library.

  3. Share Jokes: Engage in light-hearted humor to lift their spirits.

  4. Tactile Games: Play tactile games like Dominos or Tic-Tac-Toe.

  5. Coffee Outings: Take them to a coffee shop weekly for exercise and sensory stimulation.

  6. Air Dry Clay: Encourage them to work with air dry clay for creative expression.

  7. Social Group: Invite them to join a group of visually impaired peers for support and socialization.

  8. Volunteer Companionship: Seek volunteers for regular visits and companionship.

  9. Pet Therapy: Arrange visits from docile pets, according to their preferences.
    Related: Pet Therapy in Nursing Homes

  10. Gentle Exercise: Consider activities like yoga or tai chi with clear verbal instructions.
    Related: Gentle Chair Exercises

  11. Listen to the Radio: Explore local radio programs, including talk shows, science, book readings, spiritual broadcasts, and music.
    Related: Free music playlists for the elderly

  12. Gardening: Buy a couple of pots, potting mixture and some herb seeds; parsley, basil, thyme. Caring for plants is very therapeutic.
    Related: How to Start a Garden Club for Seniors

  13. Cooking Together: Collaborate in preparing salads, fruits, or vegetables, allowing for conversations and sensory stimulation.

  14. Trivia Games: Share quizzes, word games, and riddles for mental stimulation.
    Related: Quizzes Galore

  15. Nature Walks: Enjoy walks in the park to experience the sights and sounds of nature.

  16. Fishing: Find safe locations for outdoor activities like fishing. Outdoor pursuits are good for the mind and body.

  17. Children's Visits: Organize trips to local nursery schools or invite them to your facility. The presence of children's laughter and voices can brighten spirits.

  18. Aromatherapy Sessions: Offer workshops where they can explore various scents and essential oils, enhancing relaxation and sensory experiences.

  19. Listen to Podcasts: Introduce them to podcasts covering a range of topics, enabling them to stay informed and entertained through auditory content.

  20. Birdwatching:  Create a backyard bird habitat with bird feeders and water, allowing them to enjoy the sounds and interactions of local birds.

6 Empowering Reads for the Vision-Impaired

For clients with some remaining vision, provide high-quality magnifying glasses. Alternatively, explore 'Talking Books' or recruit volunteers to read aloud for 30 minutes twice a week.

  • "Touching the Rock: An Experience of Blindness" by John M. Hull
    This autobiography offers instructive and deeply moving insights into the author's experience of blindness.

  • "The Island of the Colour Blind" by Oliver Sacks
    Delve into the intriguing story of the Pacific atoll of Pingelap, where a genetic anomaly has resulted in most of the inhabitants being color blind.

  • "Nightwatch" by Errol Broome
    Follow the adventures of a young girl, Chippy, as she attends the local school. Her heightened awareness of sound, smell, and space leads to the discovery of foul play.

  • "The Country of the Blind" by H. G. Wells
    Join Nunez, a mountaineer who slips and falls into a secluded valley where all the inhabitants are blind, in this captivating tale.

  • "If You Could See What I Hear" by Tom Sullivan
    Tom Sullivan, blind from birth, shares stories that will leave you laughing out loud, offering a unique perspective on life.

  • "Stars Come Out Within" by Jean Little
    Explore the autobiography of Jean Little, a Canadian children's author who has been blind since birth, as she recounts her life experiences.

  • "A Dolphin in the Bay" by Diana Noonan
    Follow the heartwarming story of a young boy whose relationship with a dolphin helps him conquer his fears and find courage.

What activities have you found to work well for visually impaired individuals?

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My mum has macular degeneration, sight very poor

also in a lot of pain with her back and shoulders

Mobility is poor and can only go out in a wheelchair but is in to much pain most of the time.

Struggling to help with her pain relief and dinners

Wont have a carer

Any ideas ?

Susan avatar

Hi Rosemarie

What did your mother like to do before? Is there any way you can adapt these things?

What does her doctor suggest for the pain?

I find that people who are busy doing some thing forget about their pain

Can she ride in a car?

I am sure your community has a senior center with many activities. You can go with her and help her.

I find music to be very good

How is her hearing?

If I can be of some more help, let me know

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I AM 73 and I am lucky to be involved in blind and visually impaired golf. It is played in 16 countries and there are national Opens as well as a World Championship. Our totally blind players are awesome and we all play to the same rules as sighted players. Each golfer has a guide to indicate aiming direction, find the ball and share in the trophy (it's basically a 2-man sport).

I am always surprised that so few people know blind golf exists. Pros and better golfers are the people less likely to believe you if you know about blind golf. It's because they can't imagine how such a difficult sport could be conquered by a blind or visually impaired person.

Well guess what - it can be!!

Susan avatar

Hi Linda

Thank you for sharing this information

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Hi l am the activities coordinator at Madison court a home for people living with dementia. We have a couple of blind residents and some partially sighted residents. All our residents enjoy bingo. Our careers help these residents so that they can join in. We tell them when we mark a number off for them also what colour ticket and pen is being used. They are kept upto date with whatt numbers they need and they shout for their winnings. I was wondering if there are any bingo tickets in braille as this would get them more involved. Thank you for reading xmarg

Susan avatar

Hi Margaret

There are some places you can buy Braille bingo cards such as Amazon or Walmart

There is also a Braille store that you might want to try


And you can write a letter to any of these places they may want to donate some to you especially if there’s more things you want to buy

I do not know where you are from but the commission for the blind in the US does have some good materials for the blind

You may want to check this out

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Hi I take care of my 86 year old grandfather who has glaucoma and now sees through a tunnel vision and has a hard time seeing. He loves cutting up fabric in pieces and recording his favorite radio station, but i have been looking for some new ideas or arts & crafts to do with him because I don't trust him with a scissor. Any ideas I greatly appreciate it

Susan avatar

Hi Danielle

How wonderful of you to be taking care of your grandfather

One thing I’d like to do was to rip paper to make different things

For example we made leis using a plastic needle with yarn and scrunching up the paper as you put the needle in it

We had a long strips of paper about 2 inches wide and as long as can be handled

You can also make craft with tiny pieces of tissue paper that you paste on a shape made out of card stock

Pieces do not have to be that tiny but scrunch them up to them and paste and put them on shape

Also making a collage is a good idea

Here are some other ideas

crafts with step by step instructions on Golden Carers. You could try Scavenger Collage, Abayomi Rag Dolls, Sand Bottles, Egg Carton Spring Flowers, Mixed Media Collage. These are good to keep or to give away as gifts.

You could get some scissors which are not sharp that some children use in school

They cut

but they’re not dangerous

If He insists on using a scissors

Guest avatar

Hi - I stumbled on this site while searching for activities for my 22 year old special needs son with multiple disabilities. He is a cerebral palsy person (diagnosed at 1 year old), had stroke at 7 years old due to hemorrhage, became blind after the operation then wheelchair bound after his scoliosis operation. He is now staying home and I'm at a loss as to the type of meaningful activities I could get him involved. I am now looking at making play dough with him. He generally listen to music for most part of the day.

Appreciate any ideas, please. Thank you.

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Hi Susan,

My father is a retired doctor and he’s 66 years of age. He is suffering from cardive dyskinesia and also has lost vision due to diabetes. This has led him to depression and he barely interacts with us even though he wants to.

Is there anyway you help me help him?

Susan avatar

Hi Tanvi

The most important thing is to make him feel good about himself

Focus on the positive I’m sure there are still things she can do

This article may help you


This one may be helpful also and other music activities




There are many good short stories on the site

For your father for like one of them or make up your own

Guest avatar

I am living in with a 93 year old lady. She lost her sight due to type one diabetes after pancreatic cancer surgery.

She was just sitting doing nothing when I came to live with her. I got her knitting using larger needles 8’s and thicker yarn . Presently she has knit 3 blankets for family members who thought she couldn’t do anything . We also cook and go for walks using her walker. She is so much happier .

Susan avatar

Hi Jean

How inspiring

You are a wonderful person

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My mother is 95 and is legally blind. One activity I have found that she loves and keeps her occupied is making a fleece blanket with tied knots. I prepare the fabric by cutting the strips around two pieces of fleece and she ties the knots around the outside edges. She makes them for her Great Grandchildren.

Susan avatar

Hi Patsy

This seems like a good idea

In fact you can buy a kit to do this

What size fleece do you use??

We did this in a group setting but it could be for an individual as well as you suggest

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Hello, my grandmother is legally blind but can still see a little bit (for example if the text is really big). It’s hard to understand what she’s going through but I want to be there for her and make her experience better. I was wondering what activities, tricks, ways around this, independent tasks etc that anyone recommends that could make things more enjoyable/easier for her?

Susan avatar

Hi Pearl

Try some of these suggestions


It is best to adapt and modify some thing she used to like to do

Let us know what ideas you come up with


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i look after my 95 year old mother in-law who is virtually blind due to cataracts she is also almost deaf with hearing aids, mobility poor, becoming institutionalized is there anything i can do to stimulate her?

Susan avatar

Hi Donna

Have you read all the comments here because there are some really good ideas

Is there some thing your mother-in-law liked to do in the past that could be adapted and modified so she could do it now

For example I had a resident who was blind but still could crochet because she had done it all her life she did it but I feel

Obviously this would not work if she never crocheted but maybe there is something else she could do by feel

Someone had suggested clay that she could mold into anything really

If you could help her do handover hand exercises

Start with easier ones just three or four to begin with

There are some really good ideas from Gwyneth


If you need help adapting an activity your mother-in-law liked to do in the past let me know and I will help you with it

Good luck to you and let us know what ideas worked

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I work in a group home, one of our client is blind and has autism. Iam not a manager. I am just one of the wotker just for the record. Every time I go to work. I come up with i deas to keep her active and smiling assuming that will help her day go fast and fun. This week, I feel like i am running of ideas to keep her active. any idea? but one thing I noticed which I am planning to keep on reapeating is that since she practice a christian religion, she laughs with the Jockes I find on you yube from Joel Osten and making shapes from a play-doh. please email me any new ideas? Thank you so much!!!

Susan avatar

Hi Tina

It sounds like you are doing a great job

Here are some jokes you might want to try


Here are some spiritual activities you might want to try


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My grandson is 9 years old and has a brain tumor that has left him visually impaired. Looking for some crafts and things he can do, he absolutely loves to read, now he can't he loves legos nope can't see them either. It is very hard on all the adults in his life. He is taking it better than we are. He loves science and crafting.

Susan avatar

Hey Ronda

Kids are adaptable

I do not know where you are from but in the US there is the commission for the blind that is very helpful but it may take a while for them to get to you

If your grandson likes to read there are books on tape and also there are many programs on the Internet for reading books

In fact there are computers and other devices for the blind that use the Internet

Good luck to you

It sounds like your grandson is a real fighter

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My grandma is 85 years old and is losing her vision and her hearing. She has a very weak body and with all that is going on right now, I'm not able to go visit. She doesn't have any technology but I'm trying to find some things that she can do independantly. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Susan avatar

Hi Elaine

Make sure you call her every day and remind her to do whatever it is you decide is right for her

You want to know what her past interests were and if you can adapt and modify them to some things she could do

For example you want provide things that are large print such as a large print word search if that something she likes

You could make some for her and mail them to her since you can’t visit any longer

She would appreciate the mail if nothing else

You could also send her large print letters especially ones that are positive to put her in a good frame of mind

You can send her many because I am sure she would like to open them

Send her jokes that you made in large print

Send her short story that you made in large print

Here are some but you may have to retype them so she can see them


Then when you call you can ask her which ones she likes the best and send her more like that

If you tell me what her past interests or perhaps I can help you adapt and modify them

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My client is blind and has autism and Asperger’s. he is 27 years old and very limited to do anything. Doesn’t speak many words and likes to lash out every now and then. Need help on this matter.just some fun things to do

Susan avatar

Hi Jason

Is the client in a group setting or are you working with him individually

Has he had an evaluation by an occupational therapist to see what his strengths and weaknesses are and his likes and dislikes

Have you contacted the commission for the blind they have some good tools you can use

Do you have any budget to buy things for him or does everything have to be donated

I would suggest some headphones maybe you can get some donated and have his favorite songs on the headphones

You could try this sensory activity and see if he likes it


Also think about getting a keyboard or some other type of object where he can press the large buttons

Also maybe some kind of paper folding activity

Also some physical activity is very important

He may be able to run or jump or skip

He could use a large ball

If you need more suggestions let me know

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This post is all about the activities for the Visually Impaired. People with vision impairment will often require help with everyday tasks they could once complete on their own. Keep sharing!

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Thank you all for the responses. I have a very dear neighbor that is losing her vision and I was trying to help her find activities for her to do. She has always been very social and outgoing lady. I’m thankful that I’m able to help her

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I am totally blind, and there are things to help someone be as independent as they want to be. "maxie Aids for the Blind" is a web site which sells everything from computers to games, and is also for other disabled persons. There are computers with screen-readers and one can go on the net, play games, download books, listen to music, and do everything except look at pictures.

There are smart phones which can be set up at an Apple store, and these have SERI and voice over. As the article said, there are talking books, and of course audio books and other books from Liverbox, a place on the web.

There are chat rooms for the blind such as: "cafe for the blind." You can listen to movies with video description on that site, or you can go to "movies for the blind." or comcast has the box which also has a screen-reader and you can listen or watch Tv by using it.

or if you have a computer, you can download games which have sappy voices. This site has card games, word games, and even psudokoand the site is called "spoonbill games for the blind" and they are for free. Just some ideas.

Susan avatar

Thank you for that information Sharon it will be very helpful

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I am going blind. I am already considered legally blind. Being bored is a problem as i can not leave my house much unless someone is with me. I would suggest getting your loved ones out to walk. Take them places to buy things they need. Take them out to eat. Losing my independence has been the toughest part. I have to rely on everyone around me and often feel like a burden. I also struggle with the fact that i am no longer contributing to society. And my home has began to feel like a prison. My advice to you is to get them out make them feel useful and reasure them you enjoy their wisdom and company. Because i know my wisdom is about all i have left.

Talita avatar

Thank you for your feedback and insight Brian. These are wonderful words of wisdom and advice, thank you for sharing. All the very best to you.

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My heart is broken. My mom, is now 100% blind. B4 she had some sight and we purchased her a special computer for impaired sight. It was wonderful and she got a lot of use out of it. But, now, she is can't see anything on it. Playing her games, listening to TV is her pass time.

She has never been a reader, so that's out. Does anyone know of any tactile activities besides clay that she can do while sitting in her chair.

The blind just don't shirvel up an nonexist, they live on like sighted people! There has to be home activities she can do! Help please!!!!

Solange avatar

Hi Joanne, how sad your mother losing her vision. I am sorry. Here are a few things she could do according to her wishes. I hope it can help.

Braile Rubik

Voice recorder

Talking Dart Board

Voice Watch

Making lavender pillows (for self or gifts)

Unravel wool sweater for someone's else to knit

Guest avatar

I am looking for any art or craft suggestions for a client of mine that is almost totally blind.

He is 65 years old. Any suggestions would be great. Thank You

Keren Rice

Solange avatar

Hi Karen, one activity I have experienced with blind people was clay moulding. We used to buy air drying clay and other moulding material and encouraged a group of six vision deficient clients to make it into whatever they wanted. You would be surprised with the things they come up with. When I left one of the group made me a jewellery container (without lid) which is one of my prized possessions. Cheers.

Alexandra avatar

One of our vision impaired residents loves a visit from our pet budgie that we keep inside in a cage.

We place the cage by her bedroom window when she's in there and he chirps away. She enjoys listening to him and feeling responsible for him for the day.

Scott avatar

Hi as an Activities Officer with a vision impairment, I found the article interesting. Lack of confidence in older persons is common. Resources and equipment is available through qba.asn.au and also Vision Australia for equipment. Encouraging and maintaining independence is important. An example is using a telephone, most phones have a raised dot on the number 5. Large print Bingo and flash cards are also useful.

Regards Scott

Shirley avatar

thank you for these suggestions they will be very useful - Shirley NSW

Lifestyle Coordinator avatar

How do you deal with a vision impaired residents who states things are going missing when they are not??

Faye avatar
Faye Activities Assistant Team Leader

We do a lot of word maker Quiz's with the nine squares, using each letter once four words or more,must use middle letter in each word. One nine letter word. We do these on the white board. My idea for visually impaired so they can join in as well is a nine square wooden grid to place the letters in. The letters of the alphabert to be made similar to scrabble board letters indented and place them infront of the visually impaired person so they can feel the letters and join in the fun.

Shantell avatar

Hi. We made a Bingo card for a vision Impaired resident. It was on a Timber board with a small lip, we used elastic to mark the squares, threaded through the edge lip of the board and all the numbers were raised. She eventually remembered the numbers she had, but it was fantastic.

Julianne  avatar

Fantastic idea Shantell, I have made one also using a hot glue gun to trace over the numbers which makes them raised. I like the idea of it being on a board with edges.thanks :)

helen avatar

Ther is no reason why a vision impaired resident can't be involved in playing carpet bowls, all you need is to have the area quiet at the time the resident is bowling and ring a bell in the direction of the bowl. I have a resident who came runner up in the competition.