Carpet Bowls Game for Seniors
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What is a jack? Still not sure how one is playing this game "Indoor bowls come with 2 clearly marked sets". I have never heard of this game nor seen it play.
Thanks so much for the info on what a jack is , must be a British game never have heard of the game in the US.
Hi Sheila! The jack is the small white target ball that players aim for. The game comes with two sets of colored bowls - one set for each team. Players roll their bowls, trying to get closest to the jack. It's a fun, easy game to learn and enjoy with friends!
I had the same question that Michelle had about instructions and scoring and Solange responded with " we have added more detailed instructions". I am wondering if those added instructions are already written above or found some where else? Do they just throw from where their chair sits along the edge of the carpet?
Hi Rebecca, yes they just throw from where they are.
Hi Linda
It sounds like you are having great fun
Thank you for sharing
I actually organize a bocce ball game outside every Friday from June - September for my residents. They are able to play even in wheelchairs and walkers and love the idea of being older "athletes." I score the first and second place winners as well as who "kissed" the jack (white ball) and have an awards banquet at the end of the season. It gets them outside in fresh air, and even brings people out to just "watch." Everyone receives an award--like: The ball thrown the furthest out of bounds, most courageous athlete (regularly attends in spite of pains), most colorful, best friend award (the person who seems to always knock someone else into first place instead of themselves.) etc. It takes a clipboard and special attention to details as they play, but is great fun!
I am trying to start up carpet bowls can someone help me with the instrustions on how to play and scoring and easy version please
HI, Michelle, we have added more detailed instructions to the activity!
Can anyone please tell me the approximate cost of indoor bowls or bocce balls?
We love Carpet Bowls at our centre. We use Bocce balls instead of regular carpet bowls because they are different colours and some of our residents have Macular Degeneration. It is always lots of fun not just for the players but for the observers. One of our regulars will turn up in his Bowls jacket and hat from when he was a competitive bowler.