Funny Skit for International Joke Day
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Does anyone have any other short skit ideas.
I'm thinking ahead...we don't really do Halloween in the typical way. It has gotten to be such a "dark" holiday. And some of our staff for religious reasons, don't celebrate this. So one year we did Pumpkin Patch Party. we did a Talent Show. and an All Saints Day Costume Party, (residents, staff picked a famous Bible person or Saint, dressed up like him/her and had to give a short bio of the saint.) Some very creative costumes appeared! St. Peter with a fishing rod etc.....St. Appolonia the patron of dentists had a big tooth and pliers from maintenance....) We had Hillbilly Holiday, with the kitchen band, jokes and a skit. We had a grand time. So this year, I want to put on a couple skits with the staff and residents. Any ideas fellow activity people? THANK YOU
I love this idea. We're going to try it. Very cute!
Thanks for your feedback Kathryn, I would love to hear how it goes!
This sound great I like the ending