Ideas for Men's activities on Fathers Day
For Men
Fathers Day (Australia & NZ)
04, Sep 2022
Fathers Day (US, Canada & UK)
19, Jun 2022
International Men's Day
19, Nov 2022
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Just did the fishing game for Fathers Day. Made our fish out of paper plates with magnets and a large magnet for hook. Note for future - make fish out of paper - its lighter! Don't set up your magnets on the fish the week before - the magnets we used lost their "magnetism " over the week they were waiting to be used. We also varied the activity slightly (through necessity). You only have to raise the fishes head off the bottom of the pool to qualify as a "catch". Each catch received an envelope which had their fish inside - we bought plastic fish and sea creatures from the dollar store and stuck magnets on the bottom - some of our Dads caught seaweed, starfish, squid, sharks, whales, crabs etc. - you get the idea. Of course all our fisher people got a small bar of chocolate which many of our residents use as gifts for their visitors. Hope you can benefit from my comments.
Fishing. We have made fishing poles and fish and are going fishing
Small wading pool to set fish in, poles have magnets attached to the end and refreshments served after the afternoon of fishing!
Also , I will bring in authentic old rod and reel for the group to hold and reminisce (supervision with the fishing line).