Snoezelen Rooms and Sensory Environments for Dementia Care
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Anne Rose, Activity Coordinator
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We have a closed dementia unit. In our sensory room I put fairy lights right along the top of the wall, using small 3g command hooks to string them along. Fairy Lights are coloured silver/white. Along the bottom of the wall I put in strobe lights, that can fade in and out different colours slowly. They come with a sticky backing, you can buy them at varying lengths, and cut them down to size. Also using fake type church candles that change different colours slowly. It is a very effective way to use colours but in a gentle way. We also have an atomizer in which I use Lavender essential oil, which lasts for 12 hours on low setting. Soft music. Soft furnishings. The items are not too pricey, I purchased the atomiser on special from Uncle Bills for $15, the lights all up was under $40 from Bunnings.
Sometimes we will have Pamper time in the sensory room also and families love to sit in the Sensory Room with their loved one.
Love your ideas . Thank you so much for sharing
This sounds lovely Meagan, thanks for sharing these ideas!
Hello All,
Excited to share ideas with AMAZING PEOPLE.....
Our facility is 150 residents
We have a Rehab unit -ground floor
1st & 2nd Floor is a mixture of general population and Dementia Residents (all levels) -so they are mixed in.
Finding with staff (or lack there of) it is a challenge to program and meet the needs of our Dementia Residents as to "transporting" etc....~ any suggestions as to programming ligistics would be very much appreciated.
I am starting a Dementia program and will use part of a dining room. I want to separate what the Activity Director does and use therapy treatment in a program. I am an Occupational Therapist looking to demonstrate a program in 7 facilities. I am open for all suggestions.
I suggest you look into Johns Hopkins "New Ways for Better Days Tailoring Activity Program" It is an evidence based program which is designed for occupational therapists to develop activities based on the patients abilities.
Hi Eileen, I guess your Program will aim, among other things, on demonstrating modifications and adaptations of activities and daily living situations to suit clients’ needs. Here are some structural aspects your Program may cover:
• Activities simplification
• Advice on graded instructions for functional independence
• Body language tips
• Strategies for behaviour management
• Techniques for relaxation
I hope this is of some use to you. Best wishes with the program.
A bubble machine also works well...after all who doesn't love bubbles. Just be careful with the positioning of the machine
Some fabulous ideas here. Any suggestions on how to get nursing home on board with a sensory room?
Great question Jemma. There are also some threads regarding this on our Facebook Group page if you wanted to take a look or ask the group directly:
Hi Julie, lava lamps can be bought on this link:
They cost approximately $30 plus shipping; about $10 dollars. Gumtree and EBay sell them too. Beware of second-hand lamps; it is not recommended for aged care facilities.
Hi, we are looking to create a Sensory room & are having trouble finding out where to purchase lava (& similar) lamps. We are in the Gippsland region. Any suggestions would be welcome. :)
We have a Sensory Room
the sign on the door was made by a resident using colors and sparkles.
Be careful when selecting a resident for the room as not everyone likes the movement of lights particularly the ball hanging from the ceiling .
also it is best to gradually introduce one thing at a time so as not to confuse even more.
They are great though and hopefully we will use it more often once it is within main unit.
Use a portable trolley as a Sensory Trolley too
Hi Wendy,
Great idea. I saw an amazing video a few years ago of the second largest aquarium in the world in Japan, there is a great 28 minute video on YouTube with soothing music:
If you have a large TV with internet access it might be a very nice event. The video is almost meditative.
Hi everyone,
I work in a dementia assessment unit and due to the clients BPSD's we cannot accommodate a real aquarium but I've found the next best thing; a looped DVD of an aquarium with the air bubble sound effects. It is very soothing and the patients thoroughly enjoy watching it...Some for hours
Hi Shelly, The new Villa Maria home on Stud Road in Wantirna has a new Sensory room. Regards, Chris
Hi Shelly, i worked in a facility as a nurse at the time the AO in dementia unit was very creative and she put together a sensory room. I didn't really know at the time why she did it, however now i'm an AO in a different facility and a student reading about this gives me more understanding. The room looked fabulous, but the nurses didn't really use it much, i believe that the nursing staff need to come on board with the changes AO impliments, and help with working together to make the change with the environment. I think a sensory room is useful and can help residents only if the nursing staff work it to.
This room sounds great, any idea's on what to substitute for the fragrant aromas for hayfever & asthma sufferers?
Hi All - I would be glad if someone could advise me of an organisation that has an operational multi-sensory room or similar specifically for clients with Dementia?
The main issue for our centre is our policy is with aromatherapy, where we require a cert 3 in order to conduct the therapy within the centre. Is there any alternative?
Hi Damian, the Institute of Technology run various courses in natural therapy including Aromatherapy. The Certificate IV in Aromatherapy runs for 36 weeks full time or 74 weeks part time. I don't believe there is a Cert. III in Aromatherapy.
Thank you for the information Joanne. I didn't know the word 'Snoezlen' was copyrighted.
Just be aware not to use the word Snoezlen on your program as it's copyrighted. We used Sensory room...worked well, until the room was needed again for other reasons. You can get some of the items quite cheaply on ebay or in the two-dollar shops, battery operated too are better saves the need for power points; also hand held soft and unusual objects enhance the use of touch. Enjoy it as much as the resident.
Clutter is my problem at home. The above suggestions are good ideas to replace the clutter with. Rotating new items would help us to keep the environment varied. I think I will soon be loving your website. Thank you so much. ♥