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Mothers Day celebration ideas for high care
Member Activities
Mothers Day (Australia, NZ, US & Canada)
14, May 2023
Mothering Sunday (UK)
30, Mar 2025
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“Thank you so much!! You provide such an awesome service to us! You are really appreciated.”
Del McAlister, Activity Officer
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Such a great idea thank u.
Thanks for the wonderful ideas. Great team work with everyone putting in their ideas.
we had a fantastic day yesterday in the UK, we set up our lounge with ironing board , dolls pram nappies for the dolls ect , we had a washing line with dolls clothes on it, i had rollers in my hair with a head scarf on and wearing a pinny we had cups of tea at the dinning table with scones , They all thought it was a fantastic day thank you for this idea, we will deferentially do this again next year.
Well what wonderful Ideas ladies I am sure our residents will have fun now with those ideas.
Lorraine Many Thanks.
That's a lovely idea. It has inspired me to put a twist on mothers day celebrations. When speaking to our ladies they never had a baby shower when their babies were born. This year I am arranging baby shower games on mothers day.
Games will include
several jars of baby food : they need to guess the flavours
Baby price is right: game to guess prices of baby items
Guess what is in the bag: different baby items in paper bags
Guess the number of jelly babies in the jar : person who is close gets the jar
who I am I now? : clients baby photos, people need to guess who the adult is now.
These are just a few ideas....any other suggestions to add to the list.
Cheers Debbie
I love the babies sitting around on blankets with toys--what a cute idea!
Some great ideas Heather, thanks for sharing .
Thank you Heather for sharing your mother's day for high care residents with us. Wonderful ideas that I am sure others will try next year.
Thanks again!
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