Virtual Camping Reminiscing Activity

Virtual Camping Reminiscing Activity
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Judith avatar

We did this today and I was surprised how well some of the residents committed to the idea, one lady said I'm in a caravan on the next site !! We had our weekend in the Lake District decided it was a cow patted field with a stream and wood it rained, the guys fished! Hard-core camping, campfire, latrine toilets but drew the line at leaves for loo paper we took a few rolls! we decided that it had been a great weekend we all remained friends and pulled together to get the chores done but we're glad go get home!

Talita avatar

Thanks for your feedback Susan. What a great outcome!

Suzanne avatar

This was a fantastic activity. I ask our group to name items we would need for our camping trip. I asked everyone to close their eyes as i set the scene in their minds. When I finished, I asked each resident to tell me what they had seen. It was amazing the visualisation they all had. Thankyou.

Jacqui avatar

great fun idea thanks will be doing this at work

Solange avatar

Well done everyone! The best about this activity is that you can change the theme. The sky is the limit: Virtual visit to Buckingham Palace, Virtual dinner with a Celebrity, Virtual Hiking, and others. Best wishes.

Diane avatar
Diane Recreational Activities Officer

I did this activity today with my high care residents.

We used a white board to list the items. One lady decided the destination and then we went around the room and one by one added items to the list that we would take with us. Everyone had so much fun. At the end we realized we had forgotten to take our clothes which made everyone laugh. We also decided to take some money to buy post cards to send back to the nursing home! It also triggered several conversations about holidays and camping adventures when they were young. Thank you for this great activity.

Solange avatar

Virtual camping is certainly a worthwhile activity. Well done!

margaret avatar

I brought in my old 4 man tent and set it up in a garden area facing onto trees hung a short clothes line from tent to one of the trees ,set up a log burner put a fire log into it which did not cause smoke

a few small tables beer and snacks , around 8 residents and carers sat there all day as if we were camping it was great and the stories that came from this activity were amazing

take photographs and give them to the residents for their activities annual which they can show to their visitors.

Joanne avatar
Joanne Leisure and Lifestyle Co ordinator

We have done this activity with the residents, but I actually took a small tent and other equipment and set it up in the activity room, the visuals gave much discussion too.

Heather avatar

Thanks for this activity, I did it with our residents and loved it, we used white board, Our care staff joined in each time they walked past adding a different item. we ended up with two list on the board as the ladies decided they had, had enough of camping and wanted to camp with a touch of luxury. this activity has lead us to virtual holidaying and we have started planning a holiday around Australia marking our destination on a map of each place we travel.

Julie avatar

excellent idea tar

leanne avatar
leanne occupational therapy assistant

this is a great activity that I have also done with my residents. For our activity I put all items that the residents would take camping on the whiteboard, when they were done, I turned the white board over and went through all the "modern day" camping equipment that we take now. It was an excellent learning experience for both the residents and myself.


Kathy avatar
Kathy Leisure & Lifestyle Officer

I sat down with all the residents in a circle or where they can see and hear you and had a pen and paper, and told the residents we are going on a pretend camping trip and we have to make sure we have everything we need from the cooking,to sleeping, to fishing, to activities, everybody had a idea what we should have to take and even when the activity was over all through the day resident were still discussing camping and things we forgot to add.

Kathy avatar
Kathy Leisure & Lifestyle Officer

A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: Virtual Camping