Pretend Haggis Recipe with Neeps & Tatties

Pretend Haggis Recipe with Neeps & Tatties Pretend Haggis Recipe with Neeps & Tatties
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Susan avatar

Do you mean Robert Burns because these might help you with Robert Burns day

Susan avatar

Can one of you tell Us

what double cream is??


Talita avatar

ha Kathie that sounds like fun! Love to hear how it all goes!

kathie avatar

we are having Robbie Burns day on 25th, will definitely be doing the "haggis recipe" and also have a fake one for the "hurl the haggis game" will make it out of pantyhose and fill with porridge and sultanas . hopefully it wont split on the first hurl !!

Suzanne avatar

Hi Kathie.

I am looing for a Robbie Burns activity as well and wondered how your hurl the haggis game went??