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Lifestyle CoordinatorAussie Bingo
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“Thanks for all your hard work... Love this site !!! ”
Anne Rose, Activity Coordinator
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Thank goodness. I was in the process of making this for my ladies as we've played a few of the bingo games and they asked me why we didn't have an Australain game.
Tried this today, practice run for Australia day, The residents really enjoyed it, the conversations and reminiscence after the game was brilliant Thankyou for sharing
Thanks so much for your feedback Gillian. Joanne has shared some wonderful activities!
Thank you for the Aussie Bingo game, much appreciated
I actually modified my sheets as many of my residents would not remember "Louie the fly" they would remember the Add but not the actual "Louie" and a few other pictures also would confuse them
I wrote underneath all pictures in (black per) as large as possible of what the actual picture is, and I feel this will help them greatly
thankyou so much for all the work you have put into this. Well Done!
Can you use your work copier to enlarge. Just place the A4 across the scanner then press A4 - A3 then press 100%. That should enlarge the whole page, print and all.
any chance this is available in A3 for aged eyes? trying to print to A3 only puts the A4 sized graphic onto an A3 page
thanks, Jill
Hi Rachael!
These can be printed on A3 - you just make sure to set your paper size to A3, and then "Scale" or "Fit" the image to the paper. That way it will make it much larger for hard of sight clients.
Joanne, I just know that our residents are really going to love playing this game. Thank you so much for sharing it. I have printed it already and the laminator is warming up! :-)
Wow what an amazing effort, thank you so much for sharing this Joanne!
A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: Aussie Bingo