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Activity Professional & WriterImplicit and Explicit Bias in Senior Care
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Well written, concise and a great reminder to all, thanks Molly :) xx
Thank you, Antoinette! Your feedback means a great deal.
I really enjoy this web site so helpful
Thank you, Janis! So happy you are here.
Wonderful information, and thought provoking. For myself as well as other staff.
We are getting there with Client Centered Care model.
Hi Darla, I'm so glad you referenced the Client Center Model. The switch can take time but including and acknowledging caregiver bias is one of the first steps! Thank you.
Molly thanks for a great article, I will be using this with my volunteers.
Although I don't work in a care home setting (I deliver a service aimed at those aged over 55, socially isolated and lonely) the same bias is very evident on occasion by clients and volunteers alike. In the wider society, the way in which some statutory Social Work/Care services promote 'day care' services creates a bias for the clients who think of it as a 'nanny service and I'm not mad yet', it's changing these preconceptions that can really makes a difference to people's lives. Thank you.
Thank you, Salena! I'm so happy to hear that you will share. I completely agree with you - we need to work to change these preconceptions but when we do it changes the caregiving experience for the better!
Hi .Very interesting article.In changing society.We need to have staff and programs that the diversity of society.
Example of such diversity in our long term care community.We have residents who are black .How manny homes had any programs that an opportunity to shared their story.Just look at the month of March and you will see how much of st Patrick.
When recreation staff that reflects our society.It will take away the bias
Hi Kaimraj, you make an excellent point! So many holidays are left uncelebrated in care homes because they aren't celebrated by the majority. Knowing the cultures and backgrounds of our residents is an excellent way to ensure everyone is included. Thank you for your comment!
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