AFL Bingo

AFL Bingo
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Tracy avatar

Thank you for sharing!! I am new to lifestyle and trying to find a new spin on the activities in place . I guess my own spin on things . Hopefully they haven’t done this before and enjoy bingo a little differently.

Belinda avatar
Belinda Leisure & Lifestyle Coordinator

What does the "FREE" square do?

Talita avatar

Hi Belinda, some people play bingo so that you have to make a particular pattern (like 'T' for example) to win. In this case, the free space is considered a wild card and counts as if it was filled. You can simply ignore the free card if you are playing regular bingo.

Leisure and Lifestyle Team avatar

Looking forward to using this at the weekend..........helps when I'm not very familiar with AFL teams etc etc..........

Thank you

Preethi avatar
Preethi Lifestyle and Activities Coordinator

How do I play this game (AFL Bingo)

Talita avatar

Hi Preethi,

You play this just like a normal bingo game. The download provides bingo sheets for residents and the calling cards start on page 21. You just cutout and randomly select calling cards until someone calls bingo. Any questions, let me know.

Susan avatar

Great bingo game

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