Use Google Maps and the Street View option to take your resident's back to their original homes or on tours of famous World landmarks!  It's almost standing room only as residents are now bringing in their children's addresses along, staff are also showing us their abodes.

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Tonia 21st Feb 2022 Private Sitter For The Elderly
I am new at this activty assistant . I came upon the armchair travei iea and I will be taking the clients on an armchair trip once a month . My first trip will be in march were going to hawaii. I have planned to give out llies when they arrive inour big tv room. Wher its enough room to social distan, and will be serving a fruity drink, and snack from hawaii. Thank Golden Carers for this site.
Talita 27th Feb 2022
Thank you so much for your feedback Tonia! Have fun in Hawaii!!
Teri 25th Jan 2023 Senior Living
How do we do this on you tube without commercials?
Maurice 30th Jan 2023
Hi Teri,

To the best of my knwoeldge, right now the only way to do this on Youtube with zero ads would be to purcahse a YouTube subscription.

Hope that helps!
Latonia 2nd Aug 2020 Activity Assistant
Is there any way we can do this during COVID

Susan 2nd Aug 2020 Activity Director
Hi Latonia
This depends on how strict your facility is about social distancing and keeping residents in their rooms
The best way would be to take a tablet or iPad so residents can see what you’re doing To their rooms or taking a few residents in the big room so they can social distance
I think a Phone would be too small
cheryl 28th Sep 2015 Recreational Programmer
Fantastic idea! looking forward to trying this with our folks!
Patricia 29th Jan 2014 Co Ordinator
Tried it, worked beautifully! Great idea, thank you!
robyn 20th Dec 2013 recreation therapist
Having been doing this for 12 mths .. Really enjoyed
Ron 16th Aug 2012 RAO
Talita, while you are fixing spelling mistakes for me, HMDI cord mentioned in Armchair Travel setup should read HDMI.
talita 21st Aug 2012
No worries Ron, I have fixed this!
Allison 13th Aug 2012 program support worker
I introduced my group to the world of "Google Earth" last week on the smart board in our group room, and it was a huge success! Lots of reminiscing and a few happy tears! Some of our clients who haven't seen family members in a long time also went on a"virtual visit", with the group dropping into Poland, Scotland and Germany. It's a great idea and cant wait to do it again.
Lynn 31st Jul 2012 Recreation Therapist
Thanks Ron for sharing, I am going to put this activity up via our improvement log as we have no laptop or internet access and this hopefully will achive it for us in therapy, & I can certainly see the residents gaining enjoyment.well done & keep sharing.
Sheree 31st Jul 2012 Diversional Therapist
wow that sounds very cool
colleen 25th Jul 2012 diversional therapist
wow that sounds fantastic, definitly will try, thankyou for sharing
talita 25th Jul 2012
Thank you Ron, what a great idea!