Bird Seed Wreath

Bird Seed Wreath
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“I love all of your creative ideas! Thank you very much!”

Margaret Bossemeyer, Retired Teacher

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Rajinder avatar

In the recipe it say 1 packet of gelatine is that 125g or a small individual one.

Thanks Donna Rose Lodge Invercargill, New Zealand

Susan avatar

Hi Fiona

I am not sure, but it looks as if you say small packet of gelatin

Susan avatar

Hi Dixie

This is a great tip and not very expensive

Thank you

Dixie avatar

I used toilet paper rolls slathered with peanut butter and firmly pressed to n bird seed. And, hung with jute string

❤️ 1
Lorraine avatar
Lorraine Lifestyle Coordinator Riverside

Have made similar feeders with open pine cones, hand made wire hook attached to top of cone. Then a mixture of peanut butter and birdseed pushed into openings. Then a quick roll in birdseed and hang it outside next day.

A very tactile and pleasing activity. Birds loved it.

Talita avatar

Thanks for your feedback Lorraine. What a wonderful idea to use pine cones!

Solange avatar

Hi Wendy, I am so glad this activity worked for you. Your adaptation was very clever!

Wendy avatar

We did a similar project using large tree cones with a loop of string attached at the top, a mixture of peanut butter and lard that the clients jammed into the cones with plastic knives. Then they rolled them in wild bird seed mix, and placed in the freezer overnight. We put them outside the window in December but are finding more birds on them now in March and April! They are so successful that the clients want to make more and sell them next December with our poinsetta sale. I really appreciate Golden Carers site for lots of games and ideas. Thanks!

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