Another way to play chair soccer is by using a beach ball and a bowling pin. Seat the residents in a circle and place the pin in the middle. The object is to try to knock over the bowling pin. This can be done as a simple exercise or as a fun competition between the residents (1 point for everytime they knock down the pin), or as a team (every second person is on the same team...we use colored pinnies). If there are people in the group that cannot kick you can give them a hockey or broomball stick. I will often do a quick pick-up game of Soccer Broomball. Not only are you working the lower and upper body, but also eye-hand coordination and reflexes and most importantly, creating a fun, all-inclusive activity.
You're quite the special angel here to assist everyone. It takes a special kind of person to deal with seniors - they are not given the respect or credit they so deserve to have lasted this long on this earth. To have witnessed such history is amazing. So many are forgotten about and I try everyday to share RAOKs (Random Acts of Kindness) with any person I see that could use it - thank you again for the great ideas which I hope to spread around the area to help make others know how special they are.