Charades Game

Charades Game Charades Game
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Susan avatar

Hey Jodie

Thank you for sharing your great idea

Jodie avatar

This was fabulous.

We played ours a little different.

We had one person out the front trying to guess the word - a white board behind them with the word written on it so the other residents could see.

The residents in the group were giving clues.

It was very interactive and a great brain game.

We used your words. Thank you for the variety

Talita avatar

Thank you so much for your feedback Jodie!

Yvonne avatar

I have been using this activity for a while now- Used this activity around Mothers Day including tasks that mums perform, occupations- also had a husband visiting who likes to join in & gave him the "giving birth" card - they had around 4 children & he found it hilarious - another male single resident is a retired farmer who I gave the "breast- feeding" card- everyone had a wonderful time- it's amazing how at first they don't leave the sitting position then once they become comfortable with the activity they are really getting the mojo of acting it out - The activity is very inclusive, I prompt & act out with those needing assistance & we went around the circle with each one telling us how many children they had & their names - some spoke about children they have lost - we gave them love & empathy - working life as well acknowledged- we gave recognition to them of a wonderful job well done.

Jacqui  avatar

We played this last week. What a hit. We where all laughing and teasing. Thank You..

Talita avatar

Thanks so much for the feedback Gaylene!

Sigrid avatar
Sigrid Lifestyle & Wellbeing Officer

We played this today. It is great fun and very adaptable. We used categories like "What sport am I playing?" or "what animal am I", or "what job am I doing"? Great activity for everyone!

Talita avatar

What a great idea Sigrid! Thanks for your feedback!

Deb avatar

How exciting! An old fashioned game but not one I had thought of!!! Had fun thinking of some extra words. Going to try it today!!! Thanks for rekindling my memories GC!

Talita avatar

Thanks Deb! Love to hear how it goes.