
Sandy avatar

Hi there, I need to start the cooking session, can anyone please help me with how to do the risk assessment......

Solange avatar

Hi Sandy, food-borne illnesses in long-term care facilities are not uncommon (gastroenteritis). Although it is impossible to eradicate all risks; it is possible to focus on the basis of hygiene practices. Staff must be a vigilant at all times by adhering to good personal and food hygiene. You may follow your facility's Food Authority Guidelines but here is a small list for your Risk Assessment.


- Consult clinical staff for a list of clients with allergies

- Good hygienic practices to avoid bacterial growth (hands and utensils clean and sanitised)

- Consider immunocompromised clients (diabetes, pureed foods)

- Be attentive to shelf life of frozen foods

- Watch out for contamination of horticultural products (fruits and vegetables well washed and/or peeled; seed sprouts, unpasteurized juices and dairy products are considered to have high risk of contamination)


- Wet floors (wiping spills immediately)

- Fire risk and heat risk

- Hot water danger (tap water and dishwater)

- Use caution when serving food from microwaves ovens

- Knives and scissors kept away

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Sherrie Gardner
Recreational Therapist United States Flag
Sherrie Gardner

Your site is easy to use, I use it more often than the one our consultant has set up! I use so many of your ideas and love the Facebook page where everyone shares ideas, concerns and triumphs! I feel connected to a big wonderful caring society! I am always telling my co-workers how awesome Golden Carers is. I feel it is more in touch with the needs of my residents than many of the other Recreational Therapy sites.