Hi solange can u recommend any activities, or crafts making for the residents i work with. Most are in middle to late stage dementia. As my manager has put me dementia champions would like any advice or support on ideas for these guys thanks Maggie x
Hi, Maggie. Since Christmas is coming soon you could try decorating/icing Christmas cookies, and cork craft; making small trees in the shape of Christmas trees. Do not cut the corks for safety reasons. Let them glue the corks together and decorate them as they like it. Also, they may enjoy sorting games like a deck of card to separate into suits or numbers, and colour sorting, https://www.goldencarers.com/colour-sorting/3274/ , balloons’ games, untying wool sweaters, Beach Ball game (a large beach ball tossed gently by feet to clients sitting in a circle.
I just love this website. I feel like every time I get on here, I stay on forever. I am always finding something new to try out on our residents. Thank you!