
Celia avatar

A BIG Thank you for all your great activity ideas and suggestions. An amazing resource for anyone looking for ways to enrich the lives of the elderly or those with dementia. Caring for and involving people with dementia has improved worldwide due to Golden Carers. Your ideas bring smiles and fun to so many. Special Christmas wishes to all your team and also to carers/activity teams and keep up the good work. Celia, Dublin, Ireland.

Talita avatar

Thank you so very much Celia! This means so much to us. What amazing words of encouragement to finish off the year with. Merry Christmas! xx

Solange avatar

Hi Celia, how kind and encouraging your words. The Golden carers team is totally exhilarated by your message. Thank you very much. We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a New Year full of happiness and prosperity. Solange and the team

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Jane Barwick
Day Service Supervisor United Kingdom Flag
Jane Barwick

I am absolutely thrilled to have found this site. My colleagues and I use the resources daily. I would be lost without it! Congratulations on building a site that just keeps on giving!