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Activity DirectorJudy Dwyer
Thank you Golden carers for all the great ideas. My residents really enjoy the quizzes and some of the craft activities. They especially want "This day in history". I try to make it a morning ritual after the newspaper reading. This month there are so many great ideas for St Patrick's day, many I have printed off to use. I take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy St Patrick's day. Here is my beautiful cat, she is much more photogenic than me!
Hi everyone,
In my assisted living facility I am the only activity person here in the mornings. I get migraines chronically and sometimes have to call out sick. I am wondering what you all do if this happens to you? My supervisor does not want to just cancel morning activities and she asked me to come up with a plan for when I am ill. Any suggestions from you all? Any advice is appreciated!
Hi Morgan, I am sorry you have migraines, it is such a debilitating condition. You could try to have volunteers to lead the mornings' activities when you are on leave. Otherwise, a movie or a couple of episodes of a funny TV series could also keep residents entertained for a couple of hours in the mornings. You would have to ask an RN or a Nurse’s Assistant to set up the activity for you. I hope you get rid of the migraines, they do go away eventually.
Hi Morgan. I am the only activity coordinator in a 50 bed seniors lodge. If I'm sick or on holidays I try to get volunteers (usually a residents family member) to lead the activity. If they don't know the activity that you have scheduled, maybe they can do something different that day that they are comfortable with. I have a wonderful group of volunteers that are always willing to help.
Hi Morgan,
Getting volunteers involved is a wonderful idea. Here we have a planned activity form where who ever has planned and is going to run the activity fills in with all the details from what supplies are needed, where to find everything, special items ordered, what care recipients they had in mind to join the activity and so forth. This way if anyone is to call in sick this activity can still go a head as planned, the volunteer or whoever picks up your role can grab the planning sheet and know what is needed and where to get all the supplies.
Ugh, migraines are the WORST. Sorry you're suffering.
I try and keep my morning activities "regular" and easy for other staff to assist in case I end up in a meeting, on the phone, etc. Chair exercises, reminiscing, card and trivia games, read-aloud, and walking club are activities I have scheduled or do schedule in the mornings, and they are the type that willing staff from other departments can easily lead. Sometimes even other tenants want to help, and as long as staff can supervise, we let them.
I live with IBD and am also sometimes sick in the mornings. I am lucky to have an assistant however he is not always there so I have coffee and news every weekday morning. The kitchen makes a pot of coffee for me and our RA's (resident assistant) simply put the newspaper in the activity room with the coffee. Attendance was slow at first but now I have residents that come every morning and talk and enjoy coffee with other residents. This is mostly resident lead and is a great way to get residents out of their room and socializing. I now offer donuts on Friday's and that always brings a bigger crowd.