
Lorraine avatar

I would like to know how the budget for lifestyle monthly plan is worked out? I worked at one place which i have left now which has 61 residents high and low care and they ge a crapy $75 per month no more. Were i currently work it has 47 residents at present high care and we get $20 per person per month so nov we get $900. Fantastic. I am thinking of reporting the other place as I think it is totaly wrong to not provide afficient amount of budget for the lifestyle department.

There for you CAN NOT provide adiquiet activities to suite residents needs and interests.

I feel for the residents and i am glad i am out of there but feel sorry for the next coordinator who takes place.

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Emily Port
Activities Assistant United States Flag
Emily Port

Thank you for providing such creative and inspiring activities! I use Golden Carers daily and My residents love all of the quizzes and Arts and Crafts activities! Golden Carers is where I go for all of my ideas!