
Sue avatar

Good afternoon,

I have been asked to do a short survey around food specifically in regards to different cultures. I have never had to do a survey before, any help would be appreciated.

Thanks Sue

Susan avatar

Will, you be asking the staff, residents or both??

When I used to do surveys, I made a card with several questions on it. Asked the respondents to fill out the answers and return the card to a designated person by a determined date.

Sometimes, I did the survey as part of a group activity.

I put all the returned cards in a box and picked one card and gave this person a small prize as an incentive to return the completed cards

Anita avatar

as part of my role as activity officer apart from doing leisure activity survey I also have to do food/meal survey 2x yearly this year iam at lost of what to write or ask for the food survey form . please anyone or golden carer do you have a template that I could use as a pattern

much appreciated, cheers for coming new year

Susan avatar

Hi Anita

I do not have a specific food evaluation survey but I would get to gether with the food service director and the dietician and maybe even with the speech therapist and a carer because all of them will have important input as to what to ask Every facility is different with a different mix of residents

Maybe the governing body has some information

I know when we had the annual survey the surveyers asked specific questions of the residents

Good luck

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Shantell Kemp
Lifestyle Co-Ordinator Australia Flag
Shantell Kemp

I love love LOVE this site! there is so much information that if I am ever stuck for ideas I can ALWAYS find many many different things for my residents to do.