
Kat avatar
Kat Life Enrichment Director

Hi all. I am wondering what types of technology you are using in your facilities? Aside from Ipads, I am researching some technology for next years budget. I'm hoping to get a VR headset. Are there any programs or devices you use that are a bit more on the tech side? Already have a Wii as well.

Susan avatar

Wow do you really have some great devices

You must have a big budget which is so lucky because many do not

What about an Itouch I know it is more low tech than what you have but it's a good for a listening to music it is good for those who like something smaller than an iPad

Here are some of the articles on golden Carers about technology

They will give you some ideas

Here is another idea that might be of interest to you it's on the pricey side but some people love it

I hope this helps

And I want to tell you how lucky you are to be able to get these things for your residents

Molly avatar
Molly Activity Professional & Writer

Hi Kat,

We've only just recently started incorporating technology. The iPad is a favorite though and we've gotten some wonderful use out of it when doing 1:1's, music groups, and armchair travel. It is also better to bring with you in case a scheduled activity isn't working and you want to switch it up without having to dig in the activity closet.

Sharon avatar

We got Alexa ( the Amazon Echo ) this winter and it became all the rage, some of my residents even purchased them for their rooms. We did some workshops and posted a list of “ What Alexa can do” lists. Our staff uses Alexa to play music. It is so easy, you just ask “Alexa play Frank Sinatra” no need to keep CDs. We often ask Alexa questions when we play trivia.

Susan avatar

You are lucky to Sharon

I think Alexa could be really helpful

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Linda Beale
Activities Coordinator United Kingdom Flag
Linda Beale

This website has been such a tremendous asset to me in providing such great ideas. The clients have enjoyed the picture bingo, quizzes and I am looking forward to doing word ladders with them for the first time very soon. I also print out crosswords and word searches and make up booklets for them to do in their rooms. I will be definitely rejoining.