
Solange avatar

According to our statistics, the most common job titles for members of our community are: Diversional Therapist, Recreation Therapist, Lifestyle Co-ordinator, Activities Officer.

However there are hundreds of other titles as well!

What are your thoughts on the wide range of job titles that cover the work we do as activity professionals?

This is a popular topic of conversation amongst our members and I have added some comments received previously to this thread. Please share your thoughts.

Guest avatar

Hi, sorry to intrude on the conversation but I'm interested in becoming a diversional therapist, the thought of the job sounds great. Would you recommend it as a fulfilling job? Highs and lows?



Pauline avatar

Hi eloisie, you were not intruding on any conversation and feel free to say what is on your mind to any comments I may make.

The answer to your question is yes becoming a DT is a great job providing that is what the facility wants from you.

The current situation that is developing at the moment for all DTs that is not right, we are not classed as nurses nor do we have the insurance to cover us if we "god forsake us have an accident with a resident" as we cannot join the Nurses Union. Should a family decide to sue us, we need someone out there to come to our support as an industry and we have been left high and dry while the other departments in aged care have not.

All I am asking is that managers of a facility recognise this, I love the job and would like to return to it but there are not many jobs available for DT,s in the central coast area of NSW.

Please do not let my situation put you off the job as I repeat I have always loved the job and became Demetia Specific as a DT because of it.

I have also worked interstate in a facility that had good management and provided the activity with full support and carers that welcomed us on a daily basis and wanted to to do their side of the job and provide assistance when required.

I just got a bad deal this year with one facility closing down and another not working out due to them wanting too much done by the activity officer.

So please everyone out there look at the job descriptions that are out there when you apply for them and interview the facility when you get an interview not the other way around.

Being a DT is a wonderful career and very worthwhile if you are prepared to be there for everyone on a daily basis, I have been in it for 13 wonderful years and will recommend it anyone who asks me, but keep your eyes open and your wits about you as things are changing everyday and aged care is becoming a growing area amongst the staff in all areas for bullying and intimidation and if we keep this up no one will want to work in it anymore and what will happen to our wonderful elderly people in the future if this happens.


Wendy avatar

I agree, the profession should be recognised as a profession, as is nursing which has a regulator, wage agreement and union, it is a very important part of the Accreditation and the ACF

The DT Association should be focusing its energy on lobbying government to have the profession recognised instead of putting people off by worrying about who should be allowed to have full membership to the DT Association ie only people with a uni degree. I for one will not go on to get a degree when the wage is so low and the job is not recognised as a profession. What do others say

Annie avatar

Wendy I couldn't agree with you more. I worked as Diploma qualified DT for 4 years in aged care and would have loved to stay and go further with qualifications. The only option was Associate Degree of Health Science (DT) or Bachelor of Occupational Therapy. But I quickly realized that no matter how much more education or further training I did, I would not be rewarded monetarily at work. I took a lot of extra courses; went to Seminars and researched heaps of USA and UK sites for free courses and ideas/resources - always above and beyond, but still remained on $19.01 an hour no matter how much more I brought to the job with that experience. It was never truly appreciated and I could never please everyone enough because there was just one DT (me) and 47 residents: and of course only 27.5 hours a week work. I also never joined the DT Association because I quickly saw there was absolutely no benefit to me at all! And why should I study a degree when it is absolutely not necessary in aged care and is not reflected in my wages? After 4 years, frustration took over and I studied nursing instead. At least it has an organized union and a public presence. I'm now working as an EEN in aged care and paid so much more than as DT it's ridiculous. Still rewarding but in a different way. I always praise our DTs at work for the great job they are doing knowing how difficult it is: and praise you all too. All the DTs certainly need a voice - good luck.

dorothy  avatar

Hi annie

i applaude your enthusiasum for changing to EEN it is great as you have the understanding of diversional therapy and can mentor the AIn's into this thinking and get away from the task oriented thinking that i get frustrated with and i agree no matter how much you learn your monetry value does not increase but you know i get great satisfaction from making a difference in the lives of people with dementia seeing them excel in something not just particapate i am eventually going to go into teaching I also left aded care for 3 years and went and worked for a contract cleaning company as there site supervisor at a major outlet it was refreshing and diferent and a i learned a lot that now benefit s me back in aged care it dosent hurt when you are disalusioned to do that it helps you to see where you really want to be.

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Linda Beale
Activities Coordinator United Kingdom Flag
Linda Beale

This website has been such a tremendous asset to me in providing such great ideas. The clients have enjoyed the picture bingo, quizzes and I am looking forward to doing word ladders with them for the first time very soon. I also print out crosswords and word searches and make up booklets for them to do in their rooms. I will be definitely rejoining.