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Recreation WorkerCarol Cosham
Senior Activities Volunteer
I'm thrilled that I discovered this marvellous site. It has become my "bible" for ideas, information and creativity. My clients absolutely love the activities I've picked up from Golden Carers. Thank you.
Would love to share here regarding terminology to create greater sense of wellness and connectedness....
I have come across the use of the phrasing - PHYSICAL DISTANCING while socially engaging - and find it allows people to feel less 'socially isolated'…. How does that sound to you?
Would this phrasing be a more friendly and caring way of addressing our present circumstances for and with the elders we care for and work with ? It still respects the present guidelines offered by official bodies regarding the situation at hand. Would Golden Carers and membership appreciate such a phrasing ?
Very sincerely,
That has a nice ring to it
I like the term physical distancing better than social distancing
I hope we get some more responses
Thank you for sharing your thoughts Joelle
I prefer "physical distancing" better. I feel like it makes more sense than "social distancing".
I hope I can remember to use that term myself.
Thank you for such a great suggestion!