
Anna avatar
Anna Activity Assoc/ Dementia Prac

I love this web site , with all that is happening now I look forward to getting on this site for new ideas.

A lot we do already and a lot I've never seen or done .

What a great way to start the day !

Thank you ALL

Anna Kortie CDP,CCSI

Asbury Solomons ,MD

Susan avatar


It is so good to hear from people like you

You are right this is a great website and has a lot of of standing activities and fabulous members who are here to help should you need it

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Geraldine Melican
Lifestyle Therapist Australia Flag
Geraldine Melican

As you all know Lifestyle can be very challenging so it's good to have the support of like-minded people. I love the variety and ideas. Your activities are up to date, meaningful and positive.