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Lisa 25th Aug 2020 Activity Director
My administrator told me this morning she wants me to make up "fall baskets" for each of our 107 residents. Wow! I have a few ideas. Do any of you have ideas you can add?
Thank you!
Susan 25th Aug 2020 Activity Director
Wow Lisa
That sounds like a big task I hope you have help
You could add these
If you can find it Easter type grass in fall colors
Doilies either white or fall colors
A small stuffed animal
Ribbon in fall colors
Tissue paper in fall colors
Fall flowers probably artificial ones
Let me know if you need more suggestions

Lisa 26th Aug 2020 Activity Director
Thank you Susan. Your ideas helped. No, I won't receive help. It is one of those suggestions that the "activity committee" (composed of Administrator, DON, social work, unit manager nurses and me) came up with. It has been frustrating because they are all so eager to throw out ideas, but then the time comes to step up and help and they are all too busy. Oh well.
Susan 26th Aug 2020 Activity Director
Hi Lisa
I under stand
Well my advice to you is to keep it simple
Maybe you have some residents who are high functioning and can help you make things
Where are you getting the baskets or do you have to make those too??
Well I don’t know when you are distributing these things but fall is not until the end of September
Tanya 27th Aug 2020
Hi Lisa,

Susan's ideas are great! And I love that Dollar Tree or other dollar stores offer so many of these things to make it more affordable. I order things like that online from and have them shipped to my local store so shipping is free! I love basket ideas but believe sometimes less is more and makes it feel special since you made it 'just for them'. Bows are a great addition and allow for festive decor but also a big space filled. Good Luck!
Susan 27th Aug 2020 Activity Director
Hi Tanya
Thank you for sharing

Hi Lisa
Speaking of the dollar store they may have some premade baskets that you could just alter slightly which would make your job much easier
Michelle 10th Aug 2024 Senior Activity Coordinator
Pinterest is my lifesaver of ideas. As a former teacher and now activity coordinator. I use it all the time. The similarities between both jobs are incredible!

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