
Tanya avatar

what covid friendly activities do you have planned or halloween

Susan avatar

Hi Tonya

How proactive of you to think about Halloween

Halloween can be one of the residents favorite activities

In order to think about what to do you have to think about you budget your residents abilities iand resident likes and dislikes

Also you have to think about available technology and how strict your facility is for the COVID-19 virus

I like to mix fall with Halloween because Halloween is only one day but fall last several months especially if you are making decorations

I like to have decorations for each season that makes things a lot easier

Here are some ideas for Halloween that you can adapt and modify depending on the items I listed previously

Here are some things for fall

Remember you have to adapt and modify things

Let us know what you decide to do


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Rebecca LuAllen
Activities Assistant In LTC United States Flag
Rebecca LuAllen

We really enjoyed ourselves!! This web-site is the BEST. I have set aside the other resources at my facility since I discovered Golden Cares. I am so thankful for all the work that has gone into this site. It makes my life as a recreation coordinator enjoyable. Thank you