Yes I totally agree Solange. Within high care the need for individual or very small group activities and therapy is becoming a daily essential. Sensory enrichment, therapeutic touch and positioning -the DT needs to be very close to the resident/s to maintain their focus. Larger group activities can become a waste of energy and cause stress for everybody if several residents need 100% attention otherwise they wander off or start doing something else and their attention is lost.
Small group activities and 1:1 with an individual are much more rewarding and provide opportunities for them to have enough time, space and encouragement to open up and moments for what i call "awakenings". Most of my activities are with one person at a time, or very small groups such as 3-4 people. And i feel that much more is achieved esp person centred approaches. I also find that i enjoy the activities much more as well!
I just renewed my membership. Couldn't be without the brilliant info and activities you supply to do my job with satisfaction. The resources are brilliant and made my job easier, more fun and so much more interesting. I work at a day centre for the elderly and they love all the ideas. Many thanks!
Small group activities and 1:1 with an individual are much more rewarding and provide opportunities for them to have enough time, space and encouragement to open up and moments for what i call "awakenings". Most of my activities are with one person at a time, or very small groups such as 3-4 people. And i feel that much more is achieved esp person centred approaches. I also find that i enjoy the activities much more as well!