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Tina 1st Nov 2020 D/T
Morning all, Thanks Golden Carers for your great site, use it often.
I have been directed to do 24hour clocks for our dementia residents, have not done this before in 24 years ! can someone enlighten me where to start or share a template and directions or samples? I thank you in advance and wish every one a Wonderful Christmas and goodbye to 2020!
Susan 1st Nov 2020 Activity Director
Hi Tina
I do not know who’s idea this was but it could be confusing to folks with dementia because they were used to a regular clock
I guess you could add an a.m. and p.m. but keep the numbers the same
That way if they get up in the middle of the night they will know it’s the PM not a.m. or vice versa
You could also add day or night to the clock but the same numbers
That way if they get up in the middle of the night they would know it was nighttime not daytime
You would need a staff member to change the signs
If you need next sample of an actual 24 clock
There are some on Pinterest

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