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Activity coordinatorPamela Davey
Activity Coordinator
I just renewed my membership. Couldn't be without the brilliant info and activities you supply to do my job with satisfaction. The resources are brilliant and made my job easier, more fun and so much more interesting. I work at a day centre for the elderly and they love all the ideas. Many thanks!
Hello everyone I am drawing a blank and need some suggestions. What should I decorate my Activity room with for the month of January? I know that MLK day is in this Month I will decorate for that the day of . What I need is what should I use for table Center pieces etc. .
I have 13 tables in my Activity Room that I do every month and have been lucky that I started as the Activity Coordinator this pass Oct. I have worked in Nursing my whole working career which i love but needed a change and I love what I do but again am lost for the month of January. Thank You in Advance. ( I work in a 100 bed ALF in St. Petersburg, Florida )
Wow Electa
First let me say how lucky you are to have an activity room that you are describing
I had to share the dining room and I don’t think we even had 13 tables
Golden Carers does not list every holiday I celebrate it in January
However there are some good days to celebrateInternational flower day Is good you can decorate each table with flowers
You can use these pictures of flowers
There are many things you could talk about when it comes to flowers
Then of course you want to celebrate inauguration day with American flags on every table and perhaps pictures of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
If you want to stay away from politics why not celebrate International hug day
Add the end of the month you can celebrate Mozart’s birthday
Snowman is my theme for January. You can buy Styrofoam balls at Michaels, I put them in a cylinder vase w/ snow on bottom, they sell buy the bag at michaels.
Hi Gigi
Thank you for this information
It sounds like a good idea
Thank you all so much I have kept the residents Busy with arts and crafts sun catchers and tile picture frames etc I ended up having the residents color some positive quotes sheets and have hung them up and have hung up all the sun catchers and they are happy with the way the room looks. I am very fortunate i have a huge activity room i even have a section that is set up as the corner cafe with 3 round tables and on the counters there is a coffee machine that has both reg. coffee decaf. coffee and hot water for tea anyway it is very hard to decorate due to its size we all have a budget which makes it even harder. I do want to say that this site has helped me so very much and so worth the fee.
Hi Electa
Sounds like you did a great job
I say as long as you make the residents happy that is what is most important
Thank you for all you do and your kind words