
Mandy avatar


Golden Carers suggested that I post information asking for help.

I have just started assisting with teaching Health and Social Care at a College of Further Education. I am doing project based learning with a group of students linked to students collaborating with a Care Home that provides 24 hour nursing care including supporting residents with dementia.

Students are working towards the following learning aims:

Examine the types, causes and symptoms of dementia

Examine the effects of dementia on people who have the condition

investigate he concept of person-centred care for people who have dementia to maintain quality of life and wellbeing

If you have information / presentations, case study examples, I would be grateful if you would kindly let me know as I would like to learn more about this area of health and social care in order to support the students.

With COVID it is not possible for students to do work experience, so hopefully this project will raise their awareness on the topic of dementia.

Many thanks


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Tammy Powell
Program Outreach Director United States Flag
Tammy Powell

Thank you for such an Outstanding! Phenomenal! And Amazing site! This is the best thus far! This is a Director’s Bible! From the holidays and guess who and Armchair travel. I can name so much more! You give templates with the activity! I thank you so much for sharing your ideas! I thank God he lead me to this site!