Brain exercises that can, and will stimulate different areas of the cortex. Running with your fingers like spider legs whilst you lift your hands above your head. Doing this targets the hippocampus emotions area Folding arms and asking the residents to swap the folding position each turn engages either side of the brain with each change of arm position and this exercises requires focus from the resident. The residents enjoy the challenge of these group exercises
Hi Linda, I have just been looking for some new exercises to add to my program. I am going to try your Brain exercises. It will give my residents a new challenge. Thank you so much.
"Imagine life without Golden Carers. Imagine doing the same activities day after day because the Golden Carers site doesn't exist. Now wake up and breathe a sigh of relief it was all just a bad dream. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!"
Folding arms and asking the residents to swap the folding position each turn engages either side of the brain with each change of arm position and this exercises requires focus from the resident. The residents enjoy the challenge of these group exercises