
Jean avatar

Tomorrow I will do a bread and jam activity. Slices of buttered bread, an assortment of jams for them to spread and to taste and lets reminisce about picking fruit as children, using up surplus fruit in jams, baking etc. An easy relaxed activity session.

Martin avatar

Thanks Jean, this is such a great idea, I will give it a go.

Susan avatar

Hi Jean

This sounds like a wonderful idea

Thanks for sharing it

Jean avatar

They loved todays session. I had 8 residents 10 slices of buttered bread and 4 pots of jam. I cut each slice of bread in 4 and we spread jam on it whilst chatting about getting scratched by thorns stung by nettles etc whilst picking berries and fruit. Most of the residents could recall the big pot and the sweet smell of sugar and fruit when their mothers made jam. An hour and a bit this afternoon well spent.

Solange avatar

Well done Jean. Socializing, reminiscing, and feeling good. Keep up the good work!

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Michelle Adi
Activity Coordinator United States Flag
Michelle Adi

I get so excited whenever I find something new on Golden Carers! Thank you for making my job easier!