
Mari avatar

Hi! I'm a elderly care student and I will graduate next Christmas if everything goes right. My current top career dream is to run a small scale day activity center. I really like this website and all the fun activities to choose from.

I was wondering if there are any good resources about holding group meetings for clients that have early-stage dementia or other challenges with communication. I'd like to ask for feedback and discuss the schedule with each group every once in a while. In my experience the feedback in situations like these can be rather short and difficult to apply. How can I get better at asking what I want to know? Is this just something I'll have to learn as I go?

Susan avatar

Hi Mari

I do not know what things are like in Finland but in the US in order to have an activity center yeah have to follow certain rules and regulations

Do you have funding and a space to have this Center?

Are your clients drop in or do they stay all day at your facility similar to adult daycare?

How are you going to get clients??

Is this going to be a for profit organization are you going to be a nonprofit??

If you are a nonprofit you may be able to get grants

This is a lot to think about before opening a center

You may want to work someplace before you open your own center

Are you going to be hiring staff or have volunteers because that’s a whole Other issue as well

As far as communication goes here are some ideas

Mari avatar

Hi Susan and thanks for the information! Here in Finland we have a system called perhehoito, directly translated to family caregiving in English. Through this system people can take care of elderly people in their own homes. It can be done full-time or part-time. Part-time care resembles what day activity centres do. It's neither a business or a non-profit, it's a publicly funded service. Local coordinators provide training, find the clients and sort out legal obligations. I think this would be a rather good way to start a career in day time activities.

Susan avatar

This publicly funded program sounds great

How many people would duping have in a group at one time??

What about insurance if someone gets hurt which could happen??

Do you get paid for doing this??

Let us know how this progresses

Mari avatar

It's 4 people for 1 carer and 6 people for 2 carers maximum. I don't know about insurances yet, that's something I should read more into. The clients might have early or mid stage dementia, but the most common reason to enter this kind of service is an unmet need for sozializing. Clients might need guidance with eating, cleaning up and other activities, but they're usually quite independent. Usually those who need more intensive care are not placed in groups like these.

Susan avatar

Hi Mari

Thanks for the information

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Nicole Pike
Adult Day Centre Program Coordinator Canada Flag
Nicole Pike

This site is amazing! I'm not sure how I survived before I was introduced to this! Something for every occasion! So many ways for the clients to reminisce and learn about new things. Well worth the membership fee. Thank you!