I have done this. I got small circle foam wreaths. then I got fake flowers ( big and small), butterflies,birds. then I let the residents rearrange them and I hot glue the objects.
How about making an Easter Tree..........? https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B09J8KK2J4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1 These eggs come with pens to decorate them, then just hang them on some sprayed tree branches ( Pussy willow/ lambs-tails or similar) and decorate further with fluffy chicks or bunnies. We are doing one where I work, the residents sounded quite excited as never had an Easter Tree before !
Golden Carers has been such a help to increase the range of activity sessions that we provide. Our residents love so many of the activities that are on here. It is also lovely that we can share our own idea's to help others. I am so glad that we signed up to Golden Carers - I am always recommending it to other activity coordinators locally.
Just wondering about a Springy wreath to make with my seniors. I have alert Seniors who can be very crafty. Any suggestions?
Here are some ideas
then I let the residents rearrange them and I hot glue the objects.
These eggs come with pens to decorate them, then just hang them on some sprayed tree branches ( Pussy willow/ lambs-tails or similar) and decorate further with fluffy chicks or bunnies.
We are doing one where I work, the residents sounded quite excited as never had an Easter Tree before !
Thank you for sharing your ideas