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Activity Officer/AInCatherine Gibb
Activity Coordinator
Sooooo happy and thankful I have this medium as it saves so much time and energy collecting info and collating it. Thank you everyone for all your ideas it covers sooo much!
Hi everyone, are their any AO,s out there working as an activity officer & finding that their jobs are also starting to include nursing and domestic duties, is this legal and are we covered by insurance if someone gets hurt while we are completing the nursing tasks as we cannot join the nurses unions to get support as we are DT's, Rao'S or AAO's these days depending on where we work. Also I find many AO's Are now not being recognised as an AO they are being employed as pcws or carers instead. looking forward to hearing your views on this subject as these new roles are beginning to take over my job and I am feeling very undervalued by my employer's.
This is terrible to read.. you all should get a new employer!