
Dene avatar

Hi, I think this is a great site for resources so am hoping for lots of replies to my request. I work in a CCU Hospital and am starting up a new mens group. I would like to hear of ideas that this group could tackle. The group are quite elderly and frail but would all benefit from male activities and contact.



Lifestyle & Leisure Manager

Lesley avatar

Hi Dene

If you had enough volunteers and transport you could take them to a shopping centre or coffee shop for a coffee/tea and a chat (depending on abilities). My gentlement love this. I they are unable to go out maybe a morning tea in the garden. They seem to talk more when no women are around.

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Linda Rick
Residential Care Assistant Canada Flag
Linda Rick

I love Golden Carers! When I first became an ‘Activity Aide’ I spent hours scouring the internet looking for meaningful activities for elders experiencing cognitive decline. I finally found ‘Golden Carers’! I’ve passed along ’the find’ to the Activity Director of where I work. Thank you again for all that you do - Golden Carers is much more than a great resource for activities - it’s an education on how to provide ‘life’ to both workers and our elders.