Is there a way to ask for movie suggestions? Our assisted living tenants prefer the movies we show have no sex, drugs, alcohol, swearing, violence....prefer funny if possible. I am kind of tapped out of ideas! Thank you!
Thank you for the suggestions in the list! Like Kelly, I have the same challenge. I am new to this world of recreation (have worked 3 months) and have put on 2 movie nights. There are many great movies out there. However, I don't typically watch many personally which adds to the challenge for me - but we are also limited in time to 90 minutes which REALLY cuts down on the good choices that are also wholesome! I have been able to find some movies available on YouTube or as well ( has a lot of classic tv shows too!), also Tubi or Pluto (but they seem to have commercials).
I really appreciate this website and this is my second year using it. I am a Activity Director in mental health. We have residents from all ages at our facility so all the resources made available here can be utilized in so many ways. I am so thankful for this site and will continue using the resources for my residents
I think the older movies are just what your residents would like
Here is a list on golden Carers
The apple Dumplin' Gang
All of the Herbie movies
The Animal kingdom
There are too many to list.
Thank you for your suggestions I agree Disney movies are great
Also the movies on the Hallmark channel are nice but they have commercials
I also got DVDs from the library