The best way to have residents introduced to computers is to find a kind volunteer to come to your facility to teach them. It is not as difficult as it sounds. The computers and the volunteers could be sourced in your monthly newsletter. Most people update computers on a regular basis and could donate their old computers to your residents. Regarding computer lessons there are many computer savvy people in retirement that may have an hour or two to teach residents. See how to establish a volunteer program:
13th May 2014
Hi Marija,
Have you a U3A (University of the Third Age) group in your area? The people in these groups are usually mature people, some either retired or semi retired that come together to continue to learn, there maybe one or two people willing to volunteer. Look up U3A in your area or surrounding area and see if anyone there wishes to assist.
I am grateful to the response!
Have you a U3A (University of the Third Age) group in your area? The people in these groups are usually mature people, some either retired or semi retired that come together to continue to learn, there maybe one or two people willing to volunteer. Look up U3A in your area or surrounding area and see if anyone there wishes to assist.