
Julie avatar

Hi . I am looking for some activities for my sunshine group of sundowners, who are mostly dutch. They are not very familiar with our Australian culture and activities. Any ideas please

Carol avatar

Have you tried playing soothing Dutch music at this time of the day? Pictures from Holland downloaded onto a DVD and played on the television. You don't need to have a lot of pictures as it isn't necessary to have them scroll too fast.

Astrid avatar

Arm Chair Travel through Holland. I can come to your Nursing Home (Eastern Suburb).

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Eileen Doughty
Recreation Manager United States Flag
Eileen Doughty

I did your DIY bingo game using the names of residents who play bingo and all the names of the staff; both first and last names. My residents love it! They are learning everyones names and enjoy it so much when their name is called! I love Golden Carers.