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Activities & Volunteer CoordinatorJo Stewart
Diversional Therapist
I love this website especially the "This day in History" series. They are fantastic for my newsletter that I put out every month.
Hi. I am about to purchase an iPad for our facility and I was wondering if anyone has any tips about purchasing a cover for it that is resident and in particular, residents living with dementia, friendly!
I have searched the net but only come up with overseas companies selling for handicapped people.
maybe ask a local sewing group , I no that some do ,make these,, worth a try
A otter box for ipad would probably do the job :)
Hi karin, I have n iPad for our residents, we have purchased a iPad pillow it is great and sits inside then residents are able to have on knees without feeling they will drop it. We purchased them from our local variety store, also purchased stylus pens this makes it easier for them to use as their fingers do not touch screen. Another connection is a lightening adaptor and HDMI cable which connects iPad to t.v. This mirror images the iPad for group sessions. Our residents love it. Hope this helps.
I would love to hear of suitable and successful aps which DT's are using with their residents! If you have some I would appreciate the help. My email is [email protected] Thank you