
Amanda avatar

Wondered if you could source some vehicle (farm equipment) colouring in for men. Amanda RM Begg

Rhonda  avatar
Rhonda Diversional therapist co-ordinator

amanda ,

i go on the internet and put in adult colouring in and all the sites come up.some sites you will need to email sheets to you then print.

Betty avatar

Hi Amanda,

I use you can find everything you need.

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Sherrie Gardner
Recreational Therapist United States Flag
Sherrie Gardner

Your site is easy to use, I use it more often than the one our consultant has set up! I use so many of your ideas and love the Facebook page where everyone shares ideas, concerns and triumphs! I feel connected to a big wonderful caring society! I am always telling my co-workers how awesome Golden Carers is. I feel it is more in touch with the needs of my residents than many of the other Recreational Therapy sites.