
Tania avatar

What is best practice regarding Mothers and Fathers day gifts to residents? If our facility is considering a small gift on Mothers Day, should it be to just the Mothers or to all the women? Likewise on Fathers Day would you give a small gift to just the fathers or to all the men?

Kim  avatar

I love to sew, work in activities in an awesome facility...made fabric cloth corsages for all the women for Mothers day and made bow ties for all the Fathers..they were all so pleased and happy1

Kim  avatar

To follow up on the corsages and bow ties, also made corsages for the visiting mothers and wives..very positive.

Kim  avatar

whether Mother or not all got a fabric corsage..

Solange avatar

Hi Elspeth, I can only speak for myself; I would buy gifts for all male residents on Father’s Day and all female residents on Mother’s Day. These dates call for celebrations which include concerts, parties and social gatherings and I would use the occasion (and gifts) to promote and facilitate community inclusion. Many people who never had children most likely ‘mothered’ or mentored a nephew or god-child at one time or another.

Maria avatar

Yes Solange I agreed with you. Gifts are always welcome and since early 19??

Maria J

Sharon avatar

We buy for all females on Mothers Day, and the same with the men. This year I went to the $2 shop and bought some cupcake patties cases in nice colours and made cup cakes which was decorated with frosting piped on and then a small flag saying Happy Mothers Day and Happy Fathers Day on the cupcake. These were handed out at morning tea, and the residents loved the cupcakes. We did strawberry flavoured for the ladies, and cittrus for the men.

Solange avatar

Hi Sharon,

Thank you for sharing. What a great idea about the cupcake decoration.


Julianne avatar

Elspeth, about Mother's Day and Father's Day. We give a gift to all lady's unless they request not to. And same goes to our men on Father's Day. On each celebration we also run a raffle so everyone can be enfold.

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Catherine Gibb
Activity Coordinator United Kingdom Flag
Catherine Gibb

Sooooo happy and thankful I have this medium as it saves so much time and energy collecting info and collating it. Thank you everyone for all your ideas it covers sooo much!