Hello, my name is Marissa and I started working as an Activities Coordinator in February after being in Reception for two years. The question I have may be a controversial topic but here goes..
I have an elderly gentleman who has had a stroke which has impaired his ability to communicate. He has displayed inappropriate behaviour of a sexual nature towards staff and I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions for healthy sexual outlets that I may be able to apply/access for him in his program. I have heard that some facilities offer the Residents the access to pornographic material, and I know this is up to the individual, but I don't believe that this is a healthy alternative as this can become over stimulative and often displays unhealthy and unrealistic relationships between the two parties in the material.
I would appreciate some honest, open-minded feedback. Thank you
We had a resident that showed the same behaviour. We found out that he used to be a boxer which meant that he would often have had massages. We brought a person in to give him a massage (family paid) which alleviated the behaviour. Perhaps worth a try. Good luck, would like to know if any method you try is successful. Sharon
I just renewed my membership. Couldn't be without the brilliant info and activities you supply to do my job with satisfaction. The resources are brilliant and made my job easier, more fun and so much more interesting. I work at a day centre for the elderly and they love all the ideas. Many thanks!
I have an elderly gentleman who has had a stroke which has impaired his ability to communicate. He has displayed inappropriate behaviour of a sexual nature towards staff and I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions for healthy sexual outlets that I may be able to apply/access for him in his program. I have heard that some facilities offer the Residents the access to pornographic material, and I know this is up to the individual, but I don't believe that this is a healthy alternative as this can become over stimulative and often displays unhealthy and unrealistic relationships between the two parties in the material.
I would appreciate some honest, open-minded feedback.
Thank you
Good luck, would like to know if any method you try is successful.