
Irene avatar
Irene Planned Activity Support Worker

Hi I need to prepare planning for multicultual Planned Activity Centre for One Yr, one day a wk , dexterity, cognitive, exercise, games, mobility , any ideas All different types of illnesses,,

Solange avatar

Hi Irene, multicultural activities depends on where the residents come from e.g. Italians would like to play Bocce. Scottish people likes crockett. Brazilians like table soccer. Australians enjoy carpet balls. Most games involve hand-eye coordination, some exercise and lots of fun time. Establish where your residents comes from and what sort of leisure activities they like. Look for cultural activities in Goldens Carers.

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Jashmine Sharma
Diversional Therapist New Zealand Flag
Jashmine Sharma

Thank you for such great content and resources. Something for every occasion. I really love using this website.