Hello everyone. At our recent resident and reps meeting the residents requested to have a coffee machine. I would like to know, does any else have one, what brand works the best, do you let the residents use it or do the staff oversea the use, what do you charge and how do you manage it?Any information will be invaluable-so thank you in advance!!!!
Hi Clara, one trusted place to choose a coffee machine is through the consumer magazine 'Choice'. They try a variety of machine and recommend the best and most affordable.
Thank you Solange, I am more interested to see if other aged care facilities have them for their residents to use and how they work out the logistics. :)
We have a cappuccino machine - during scheduled activities they are free, and must be worked by a staff member for safety reasons. We might have a volunteer to help hand them out to save time. Outside these times residents must pay a dollar, and use them themselves
We also have a cappuccino machine it cost us around $400.00 but was well worth the money as it gets used all the time. There is no charge involed, a Volunteer makes the coffee and we have a high tea than play hoy. Residents really enjoy this activities it has been going now for around 10years. If this was to stop we would receive complaints.
At our site we don't let residents make their coffee in case they burn themselfs ( workplace and healthy laws) they are all very content with this. If they did have to make it themselfs it wouldn't get used.
I just love this website. I feel like every time I get on here, I stay on forever. I am always finding something new to try out on our residents. Thank you!
At our recent resident and reps meeting the residents requested to have a coffee machine.
I would like to know, does any else have one, what brand works the best, do you let the residents use it or do the staff oversea the use, what do you charge and how do you manage it?Any information will be invaluable-so thank you in advance!!!!
There is no charge involed, a Volunteer makes the coffee and we have a high tea than play hoy. Residents really enjoy this activities it has been going now for around 10years. If this was to stop we would receive complaints.
I will fine out the brand of our coffe machine.
Any information on what brand suits your needs would be greatly appreciated.