
Maryann avatar
Maryann Diversional Therapist/Lifestyle Manager

At present we have a fantastic activites program which we are always trying to improve our management now wants our activities staff to do PERSONNAL CARE WORK in the pm as they are short staffed does anyone else do this?? we have a 6 day a week program and provided activities on sundays also - not as formal as weekdays, l would love some feed back and some activities times/hours from other facilities and programs used HELP maryann

Solange avatar

Hy Maryann, where I work we have activities shifts 7 days a week from 7:30am till 7:30pm. It is a High Care facility and we do a lot of individual activities with our clients. Massage, reading, conversation, music listening, poems, scrap book making, bean bags games, card playing, reminiscing, and many other sensory suitable activities.

margaret avatar

Hi Solange,

Just new to your site and I love all the ideas. How many staff do you have to implement your activities for 12 hours a day, that's amazing.

We only have 3 hours of activities daily, five days per week.


Sally avatar

Hello Maryanne, where I work we have a large facility (approx 150 ) and have been split into High, Low and Dementia wings. The High and Low Care Activity Officers work from 10am -3.30pm Monday to Friday and the Dementia Wing Activity Officer (and Team Leader) works 10am-5.30pm Monday to Friday. I used to work alternate weekends with another RAO but our hours were reduced.

Rosie avatar

hi in the facility where i work there are 40 med to low care residents . i do the activities alone doing an 8 hr day 4 x a week .i love my job and at times i coax the pcs to get involved if only for a few minutes,

Our job is so different , and fun and engaging ,and it is always nice to have the pcs be part of that . and i know many pcs at first think my job is cruzy but until they get involved their thoughts change and generally the comment is "dont know how you do it "

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Vickie Grimsrud
Activity Director United States Flag
Vickie Grimsrud

Thanks for publishing this one! I had a great time getting it together. The experience was fairly easy so I will be trying my hand at other DIY templates as well. Your site is the best I have used in the last 36 years of my career as an Activity Director, Certified! I wish I had known about your site whenever it first started! So much content and idea sharing… no need to reinvent the wheel! 😊