Hi guys Would anyone have some ideas on guest speakers to come and talk at our facility? I have had Adelaide Gaol, Botanical Gardens, RSPCA and Guild Dogs. Any ideas would be very much appreciated.
I had a member of a collectibles club - he has old brand bottles, school supplies such as ink wells & slates, worktools, kitchen utensils such as butter churns, almost to the extent he can do a discussion on each collection. The residents love it
THANK YOU for ALL YOU DO! Your website is remarkable and I'm so glad I found it! It's truly made my job easier. I go to private care homes (5 to 8 people) and do fun activities once or twice per week.
Would anyone have some ideas on guest speakers to come and talk at our facility? I have had Adelaide Gaol, Botanical Gardens, RSPCA and Guild Dogs.
Any ideas would be very much appreciated.
Thanks again Linda