Hi, I just wanted to make a suggestion for anyone else who may have residents with Schizophrenia. I have some residents with this disorder and I find they can be very recluse. What I noticed really helps with them is Mandala Art, they sit for long periods of time colouring these in and I find this really calms them and gives them a constructive activity. Just an FYI.
I have many Vietnam veterans who are very depressed and difficult to motivate. Thanks for the suggestion, I will give it a try.
19th Mar 2016
I have a new lady who has just come in with Schizophrenia and I am trying that with her now, getting her to sit still for longer than thirty seconds though is our challenge at the moment. We are hoping this is just her settling in nerves, I will be working with her closely to help her settle her into our home
Thanks for the suggestion, I will give it a try.