Daily Attendance Forms

Daily Attendance Forms
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Vicky avatar

Does anyone have a participation sheet that has a space for the type of activity as well as names?

Susan avatar

Hi Vicky

Another alternative is to use the toolkit


Heather avatar

management tells me we need tick sheets, not sure if its a legal requirement for accreditation but do as I am directed, I hated the old ones which had numbers 1 no participation 2 passive participation 3 participation with support. MM all high care residents need support one way or another therefore I felt it meant nothing, so I changed over to this way. I find it is has more meaning for high care as many residents sit and listen to trivia, music etc and engage in their own little way, you just need to be observant. thanks for sharing this.

Mariann avatar

Does anyone know of a way to convert the Daily attendance form from a PDF file to microsoft word file? I cant seem to use the forms because they are in pdf. Thanks

Maurice avatar

Hi Mariann,

We have just added a Word Document version to this resource :). Just click the images with the blue "Doc" icon on it.

Maryann avatar
Maryann Diversional Therapist/Lifestyle Manager

So Raelene what do you use

Raelene avatar


We actually dont need attendance records for the purpose of accreditation. I find this type of roll call formula really un person centred. We focus on having Activity Memberships where people including residents, staff and family can sign up for activities more appropriate and take care to evaluate activities every month.

Kate avatar
Kate leisure&Lifestyle assistant

with our daily participation sheets there is space to comment on residents response etc. I like your sheets but do we need that extra bit of information for accreditation purposes. appreciate every thing you do